I may have mentioned this before, but I LOVE the Wall Street Journal Magazine. It's a monthly and it is one of the best fashion magazines I know of. It's none of the nonsense and all great articles and interesting photos and it's just fantastic. For some reason I did not receive the November issue, and I never had time to call and complain, but I was really upset. I have probably never been so upset over a magazine before (well maybe that one fall when they missed the delivery of the September Vogue and it was sold out everywhere when I realized they were not going to re-deliver).
The December issue features a photo editorial on jewelry with models that are not models at all but the great dames of the fashion and art world, aged 55-70. It's beautiful and so refreshing. The issue also has stories on Roger Vivier's Bruno Missoni and the house Max Mara. And of course great fashion photos.
If I ever left the financial industry, I might continue my subscription to Wall Street Journal just to continue to receive the WSJ Magazine!
Helppo uunissa karamellisoitu sipuli
3 hours ago
Hei, olen pitkäaikainen lukijasi, mutta nyt laitan kerrankin kiitokset kivasta blogistasi! Kiitos lehtivinkistä, sen nettisivuilta löytyivät nuo ihanat leidit koruineen.
Kiitos kommentista! Blogissa ollut hiljaista koska olin lomalla ja lomalla olen aina tarkoituksellisella nettipimennolla - loma tuntuu siten enemman lomalta :-)