I am a 39 year old lover of style and fashion, and right now going through some sort of a mini mid-life crisis were I keep asking whether I have lived up to my potential, and shouldn't I have done more, and shouldn't I be doing more, career-wise mostly... On top of that, I had a recent horrifying realization that I am no longer young or skinny (shocking, I know!). I am trying to get comfortable with the idea that I am a real grown up now. Moving to the suburbs put the nail on the head in that one.. I am a mother of three fabulous girls and have a career in the financial industry. Basically I am just trying to keep my head above the water most of the time.
I follow fashion collections irregularly (meaning if I have time) and especially keep an eye on "my New York boys" Marc Jacobs and Michael Kors. I guess it says something about me that I love them both, as different as they are... As a mother I am interested in parenting, health, good food (both home-cooked as well as wonderful restaurants - I do live in NY after all). I like champagne, movies, art and travel (altough travel has not been very much or exciting lately - tends to get much more complicated when you have three kids and a budget). I love reading and am addicted to magazines.. I am also interested in business, financial markets and investment management, stock market related news, developing my skills and advancing my career. My newspapers are The Wall Street Journal during the work week and New York Times on the weekends.
I was born and raised in Finland. I came to New York when I was 19, and moved here permanently in my early twenties. I absolutely love this city, thus my alias: NYC Fashionista. I moved into the suburbs when I was pregnant with my third child in 2010, but I still work in the City. I almost had a little crisis (ok, not almost) when we moved as I did not want to be one of those minivan driving mom-jeans wearing suburban mommy-types. But I should not have worried - if I wasn't like that before, just moving wouldn't turn me into it (at least not the mom-jeans, I have to admit that we caved in and got the minivan soon after moving). And anyway, the suburban town where I live is in a very stylish area indeed (my food supermarket is next to Scoop NYC!). The moms that shop in my Pathmark have more botox and cosmetic surgery than love handles - you know the type.
On most days I am an optimist, and believe that good times are here and ahead. I love my life, and savor the little moments. It's not always easy, but I try to find the good in everything, even challenges and setbacks. I am usually thankful for what I have, but since I am a Leo, I have a more-is-more tendency, which I try keep under wraps. It sometimes wreaks havoc in my finances when shopping gets out of hand and that is when I take a deep breath, relax, and say to myself, enough is enough...
I would love to know who reads my blog and hear from you, so please comment on my posts!
Helppo uunissa karamellisoitu sipuli
30 minutes ago